Welcome to the May Edition of The Collector Times!
Our cover this month is courtesy of The Brother's May. They are doing a comic entitled,
Catching Lucifer's Lunch. The art is beautiful, and looks like watercolor, so we thought
we'd share it with you. For a review of the comic, go here.
Chris Karnes was also nice and gave us a whole slew of comic reviews,
too. Jamie Coville interviewed Buzz Dixon about the comics
he is doing, and how he intertwines his beliefs with his comics work. It's very interesting,
and I think you'll enjoy it.
The final chapter of Cardan's Pod is here. We are sorry that Rick
Higginson's fine story is ending, but his column will continue. I have told Rick anytime he
wants to run a story or a novel, the CT is open.
We, of course have a lot more. If you'd like to see what Paul and I do when we aren't doing
comics stuff for this magazine, feel free to go
here and
look at our vacation photos. We just got back from Costa Rica, and saw some pretty amazing
things. I think you'll enjoy seeing some of the exotic wildlife and scenery.
In any case, take some time and look around here. As always, we appreciate your support and
are glad you are here!
Sheryl Roberts
Editor, The Collector Times
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