Welcome to the November Edition of The Collector Times!
Our cover this month is a sample from Wes Alexander's Stormfield, The Collected Strips Volume 1,
which Jamie Coville reviews here.
It's been a crazy month at the Roberts household. Usually I get an article or two late, and they
go up a couple of days late. This last month my mother unexpectedly died at the beginning of the
month and pretty much blew all of my usual activities out of the water. There has been an upside
to this, though . . . it's allowed Joe Singleton to produce a backlog of Artistic License
columns, so it will appear on a more regular basis.
We've got good stuff for you this month. Instead of Coville's Clubhouse, we have Jason's Torture Chamber,
where he interviews Will Pfeifer, the writer of DC's Catwoman.
Jason Bourgeois also wrote his regular column, Grey Matters, where he explains
why he doesn't like Marvel's Civil War. Jesse Willey provides an interesting review of
Star Trek, the Manga, where he actually cusses in Klingon. Yes, he does,
go see.
Just about everyone wrote something on gaming this month, so if gaming is your thing, be it console or
RPGs, there should be something there to make you happy. Mat Bredfeldt even wants *your* help
with his game!
Plus, we have a whole lot more! This month we head to Wizard Texas. Expect a lot of coverage about that
next month. As always, we are glad you are here!
Sheryl Roberts
Editor, The Collector Times
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