Welcome to the 9th Anniversary issue of The Collector Times!
Our front page comes from our interview subject this month, Scott Chantler.
The art is from his upcoming project Stephen Colbert Tek Jansen comic series.
We do have a special anniversary issue for you this month, too! Aside from our regular columns, lots of
writers stepped up and did something extra this month. We have opinions from
both A.J. Reardon and Mat Bredfeldt. Mat also still needs help with his gaming,
and AJ has watched some bad kung fu movies that you'll want to avoid. Rick
Higginson also provided an interesting character study piece for us, too. Jamie
Coville has also been to Paradise Comics Toronto Comic Book Fan SuperShow and has written a con report and
taken photos.
Sorry about no issue last month, but we had a blast in Panama. If you are interested in seeing what we do when we aren't doing geeky stuff, you can see our little adventure here:
The saga is not complete yet, so you can keep checking back there if you want. I take that back . . . who am I kidding? Birdwatching *is* geeky stuff.
Wow, 9 years! I don't think I planned on The Collector Times being around this long. I'm glad you folks have stuck by us, and as always, we are glad that you are here!
Sheryl Roberts
Editor, The Collector Times
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