![]() I thought I was going to have a different cover this month, but hey, sometimes you just have to go with what is before you. Sidra Roman reviews Boom Studios North Wind #1 this month. I decided to show you what the cover looks like. We start off the new year with Spiderman. Yes, Spidey. Jason Bourgeois gives us his opinion of the wrap up of Joseph Michael Straczynski's run on Spiderman entitled "One More Day." Apparently channeling that energy, Jamie Coville went out and scored an interview with the new Spiderman writer, Dan Slott. So we get a retrospective of things past, and a vision of things to come in the Spidey-verse. I love it when happy co-incidences occur. Only Rick Higginson provided us with a New Year's themed article. His is entitled "Dire Predictions I hope do not come true in 2008" and it's terribly funny. I'm glad someone decided to do a New Year's theme. Plus, we have all sorts of other good things, from toys to comics reviews to gaming articles. Take some time and look around. Happy New Years to you and yours from the entire Collector Times family!
Sheryl Roberts
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