The League of Explorers
Chap. 1 Character Sheets
By Chris Reed
Real Name: | James Callidy |
Legal Status: | American citizen with no criminal record |
Place of Birth: | Namskaket, MA |
Marital Status: | Single |
Known Relatives: | None |
Bases of Operations: | Providence, RI |
First Appearance: | The League of Explorers (Chapter Three) |
Origin: |
James Callidy always had an unusual relationship with books. Ever since he was a child, strange books would somehow fall into his hands. Sometimes he would find them in the back corner of Bob's Book Barn (its proprietor a strange story unto himself), other times lying on the street, else they would somehow just be in his collection. His childhood was spent with his nose in a book. He was an only child, and his parents spoiled him with his favorite things: books. He excelled in school when it managed to grab his attention, and it was no surprise when he found himself in Brown University. An incident involving the rare book room there introduced him to the occult, and he made it part of his studies in college. He had quite a bit of talent as an arcanist, in almost every field except divination. His knowledge and skill with mathematics eventually put him in charge of the mathematics department at a prestigious university, where he teaches Geometry. |
Personality: |
Professor Callidy prizes both brevity and politeness in conversations. He only speaks when he has thought out what he has to say. He has a slightly obsessive relationship with mathematics, and has yet to find a book that he doesn't like. Underneath his bulk is some muscle, however, he invariably chooses to solve his problems with intellect instead of brawn.
Height: | 6'3" |
Weight: | 284 lbs |
Hair Color: | Black |
Eye Color: | Brown |
Powers: | Dabbler in the occult. The almost supernatural ability to find the book he needs in any situation. |
Quote: | "Pilomancy is the art of divination by reading the position of cut hair. Yes, there are actually people that practice it. " |
Real Name: | Alexander Hall |
Legal Status: | American citizen with no criminal record |
Place of Birth: | Belfast, ME |
Marital Status: | Single |
Known Relatives: | Timothy Hall, brother |
Base of Operations: | New York City, NY |
First Appearance: | League of Explorers, Chapter Three (brief mention) |
Origin: |
Alexander and Timothy Hall might have been twins, but two more opposite personalities would be hard to find. Both spent most of their lives together, growing up in an orphanage in rural Maine. Timothy mostly withdrew from the world and escaped into literature. Alexander, however, found himself obsessed with seeing every place in the world that he could, especially places he didn't belong. Sometime after his thirteenth birthday, he discovered that there wasn't any place he couldn't get himself into, or out of, if he tried. Sometimes a door or window would be left open. Sometimes he'd find himself saying just the right thing to the security guard. Regardless of what happened, he'd be inside and almost always (at least his motives) undetected. When he turned 18, he didn't bother with college. There was money to be had in other people's things. However, as these stories often go, he eventually picked the wrong person to steal from - Andrew Weinstein. Andrew arranged for him to spend a short stint in jail as a lesson, but recognizing the usefulness of having such a person around, offered him something to do with his time if he could do the right thing and serve his time. Alexander Hall has worked for him as Pathfinder ever since. |
Personality: |
Pathfinder has the ability to get into and out of almost any place. This power is combined with an almost insatiable curiosity about what lies around the corner. He's gotten into more than his fair share of trouble and understands that he needs an authority figure to give him guidance. Even so, he tends to maintain an upbeat and confident exterior.
Height: | 5'11" |
Weight: | 170 Lbs |
Hair Color: | Blond |
Eye Color: | Blue |
Powers: | Pathfinder has a knack at finding the way in and out of any object or place. It's not always the best way, the safest way, or the most direct way, but it works. |
Quote: | " I can get you in, I can get you out. You need to do the rest. " |
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