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Welcome to the February Edition of The Collector Times

As you know, we are writing a round robin story called The League of Explorers. This month was my turn, and I got to create some characters. My chapter is 10 pages long, and for someone who doesn't write fiction, this amuses me. However, the character you see about is one that I created, named Estallida, which roughly translates into Spanish as Bombshell. I can already envision my email box stuffed from my loyal readers in Mexico, Central America and South America featuring emails that essentially say "Hahaha, you Gringo!" So just don't. I already know.

But I digress. I told Joe Singleton that I had created a couple of sisters of Mexican-American extraction from Harlingen, Texas who had superpowers. Unlike most comic women, I made their heights realistic. I gave him some general ideas about what they were like, and what kind of colors I thought might be featured in the costumes. He delivered and then some.

Meet Estallida

This might be the first time in comics that we have a costume with cowgirl boots and a belt buckle. It exemplifies the cowboy/vaqueros border culture. I didn't think of this, Joe did. He puts so much thought and effort into his work, I have no clue why he isn't working in the comics business.

Jamie Coville talks this month with Doug Simpson, owner of Paradise Comics about the state of the industry, including the changes recently announced by Diamond Distributors. I think you'll find it interesting. And what would February be without Valentine's Day? Jess Willey features the Valentine's Day version of Ask A Stupid Question. Mat Bredfelt gives us his opinions in Random Crap, ranging from what he thinks are the best cartoons out there to what he thought of Final Crisis. Plus, we have lots, lots more. Take some time and look around. I think you'll be glad that you did.

Sheryl Roberts
Editor, The Collector Times

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Copyright © 2009 Sheryl Roberts, Editor