First, let me share with you a delightful surprise I got in my mail from Joe Singleton this week:
Joe is reworking classic comic covers. If you want one from him, e-mail him for descriptions and prices! I'm not totally finished with this issue yet, so check back for more in a few days. This month Ian Melton explains the benefits of Previews for us comics fans in Comics Action . . . Comics Reaction. Wally Flores Jr. explains why Cry for Justice isn't working for him and AJ Reardon talks about her pet peeves with gamers in Playing God. Stephane Morrell goes from movie reviewing "What I Care to See" to video game reviewing What I Care to Play. Yeah, the title change cracked me up, too. Plus, we have much more, and we have more coming! Take some time and look around, and please check back. We're sure you'll be glad you did!
Sheryl Roberts
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