As you can see, we made it safely home from San Diego and ComicCon International. Featured on the cover this month is Spawn, in his costume.
![]() We had a wonderful vacation. We always drive, and this year was no exception. We met with various Collector Times staffers on the way to and from the con, and if you are interested in seeing what some of us look like, go here and look. We worked for you, this convention. Go see our large Photo Gallery to get a sample of the scope of the convention. Costumes, panels, creators, and more! I wrote a news/con report and Paul Roberts wrote a con report. We did different things, we always do, so there should be enough variety to suit you. Sidra and Jynx did enough interviews to keep us set for a few months, and you can see the first one this month. Sidra Roberts interviews Rich Koslowski, creator of The Three Geeks and co-creator of Geeksville. What else can you look forward to, from this con? Oh plenty! I bought a lot of independent and small press comics and starting this month, the staff is going to start reviewing them. You may find something new to try out of all of them. We'll hold some kind of contest next month, because I picked up a cool prize for it. It will have to be next month, though, because I am out of time. Check out Jason Bourgeois' opinion on the X-movie. scott crawford has revised his thoughts about Napster and writes a thought-provoking column about it. And find out why Mathew Bredfeldt longs for the good old days. Plus, much much more. We are glad that you are here!
Editor, The Collector Times
Copyright © 2000 Sheryl Roberts, Editor