![]() Daniels comic is Love Bites, and its being published by Radio Comix in late October or November. Go buy it! I saw the work in progress a few months back, when Daniel was working on it, and its great. You want to show your significant other something besides spandex wearing superheroes or black clad disenfranchised philosophers? This comic is it. What impressed me about this comic is that its about normal people and their loves and relationships, and it ends up being entertaining, true, and funny. The art is gorgeous, too. Go get it, I mean it.
We have a winner in our Contest. Chad Hay has won a signed
Golden Age print by Martin Nodell. Chad named 183 different
Green Lanterns. He tied with another person, and won the
drawing. Man, you people are anal retentive To celebrate the Tick live action TV series coming next season, Chris Reid gives us a review of The Tick comic. Plus, we have lots more. Take some time, take a look around, and enjoy yourself. Its October, and you know what happens at the end of the month...Halloween! See, I love Halloween, I always have, and its not just because its my birthday. The last few years I have given away comics with my candy to trick or treaters, and its always a rousing success. I make the rounds of my local comic shops, explain that I am giving away comics on Halloween, and the kind retailers are always happy to either donate comics or sell them to me extremely cheap. I give away about 250 to 300 comics each year with my candy. You want to do your part to expand the comic market? Try this, and make some kids happy :) Happy Halloween!
Editor, The Collector Times
Copyright © 2000 Sheryl Roberts, Editor