Console-tations by Ian Johnston
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    Asteroids Hyper 64
    Publisher: Crave/Activision
    Developer: Syrox
    Genre: Shooter
    Players: 1-4 Players
    Release Date: December 15th, 1999
    Platform: Nintendo 64

Back in gaming’s infancy, when the Atari name was synonymous with video games and Nintendo was a little Japanese company no one really knew about, a simple yet addictive shooter came out for the young Atari 2600. That shooter was Asteroids. At the time it represented the height of design and gameplay - a basic concept with straightforward execution and a very addictive quality. The player controlled a small, triangular ship that shot little white bullets at massive, semi-round clumps of pixels that represented asteroids. In retrospect, Asteroids’ formula seems extremely basic and straightforward - so straightforward that many of us who enjoy the current crop of games may find the Asteroids formula a bit drab and mundane. That being the case, Asteroids Hyper 64 does little to deviate from the original’s formula. As a result, the game comes off as the same old Asteroids, albeit dressed up quite nicely.

You need only look at the PlayStation’s ‘Greatest Hits’ line to see that retooled classics are big money makers for publishers and developers alike. Hasbro’s Frogger as well as Midway and Namco’s classics compilations have sold at a brisk pace and have proven that classic games with minor facelifts equate hits. The popularity of retooled classic games was obviously not lost on Syrox, Crave, and Activision as the trio has brought Asteroids to the N64 in splendid, or not so splendid, 64-bit glory.

Graphically, Asteroids Hyper 64 looks respectable. The backdrops for the game consist of different space scenes - complete with planets, meteor belts, stars, and gas clouds. Unfortunately, most of the Asteroids you’ve got to destroy are dark in color, so the dark space-themed backdrops often obscure said asteroids when they’ve been blown from full-size to little bits. This means collisions galore and cries of, “What?! I got blown up HOW?! What hit me?!”. The various asteroids, enemy ships, and power-ups all look incredibly uninspired and yawn-inducing.

As for the music, there really isn’t any. There’s one bizarre track that plays at the main menu, but there is absolutely no in-game music. All you hear are the high-pitched ‘blip!” sounds of your ship firing at asteroids, generic explosion sounds, and some miscellaneous sounds when you acquire various power-ups. Again, this is very uninspired and seems to show a clear lack of effort on the part of developer Syrox. It’s possible Syrox didn’t feel that any in-game music was necessary, but it would’ve helped break up the monotony that is the gameplay.

Speaking of gameplay, as you’ve probably ascertained at this point, there are no significant differences in Asteroids Hyper 64’s gameplay and that of the classic Asteroids we all know and some of us love. Asteroids Hyper 64 contains a slew of additions to the tried and true original - all of which are extremely superfluous. There are new types of asteroids to blow up, space debris, flaming comets, and a multitude of enemy ships to contend with. Nevertheless, you still only move about a small area and shoot, shoot, and shoot some more. As for new weapons, there are Homing Missiles, Mines, a defense satellite (known as a GunSat), and a spinning laser attack (called Armageddon). Six different zones, each containing quite a few stages, are included as well. The stages are ultimately no more than words on the screen since all advancing from one stage to the next entails is destroying everything. So, if you’re on stage one in zone one and you blow everything up, a brownish hole will appear in the middle of the screen and swallow up your ship. That’s it. For those die-hard Asteroids junkies out there the classic version of Asteroids has been included as an Easter-Egg. Simply destroy the green object on the 15th level of the first zone and voila, you can play classic Asteroids.

Unless you really, really love Asteroids you’d probably be best passing Asteroids Hyper 64 up and spending your money on something a little less average. It’s not that there’s anything glaringly wrong with the game, it’s just that it doesn’t add enough in the way of substantive features to make it a worthwhile purchase. The other factor that really works against it is that the extremely basic Asteroids formula hasn’t aged too well. The days when mashing one button and flying around in circles was entertaining have gone and likely won’t be returning. Buy Asteroids Hyper 64 if you really, really adore the classic Asteroids, but all others are advised to either rent it or forget about it entirely.

    Graphics: 6
    Sound: 3
    Gameplay: 5
    Value: 4
    Reviewer’s Tilt: 5
    Difficulty: Medium
    Learning Curve: 30 Minutes

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