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Welcome to Collector Times.com

Welcome to the February Edition of The Collector Times!

This month, our cover is courtesy of independent comic creator, Michael Brennan.

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Michael Brennan creates and publishes Electric Girl. Jamie Coville interviews Michael about Electric Girl and self publishing in Coville's Clubhouse. For something different, and a little wacky, read Sidra Robert’s What Happened to Barbie? over in the opinion section. Joe Singleton turns his attention to Justice Machine this month and reworks the characters for your viewing pleasure in Artistic License. Jason Bourgeois takes his Traditional Monthly Swipe at Rob Liefeld and complains, yes, COMPLAINS about Howard Chaykin taking over Cable in Great X-pectations.

We also have quite a gaming section this month. Tim Till returns with a Role Playing Game article in Rants, Mat Bredfeldt gives us an overview of the new WWF collectible card game, and Chris Reid tells us about online sites helpful to gamers.

Plus, we have the usual assortment of reviews and mayhem and destruction and uh, nevermind.

On a personal note, I am still behind in my email. Sidra and Scott broke their engagement right before Christmas. Scott is taking a hiatus from writing for us to get his web site off the ground. My mother has been in the hospital and as an only child, I have had to take care of her this month. In other words, I’ve been *busy* with personal crisis, so be patient if I don’t get back with you right away. Any fan mail is appreciated, at this point : )

    Sheryl Roberts
    Editor, The Collector Times

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Copyright © 2001 Sheryl Roberts, Editor