Welcome to the February Edition of The Collector Times!
Our cover this month comes from a scene from Rick Higginson's novel Cardan's Pod, which originally ran in The Collector Times.
This was a consignment piece done by Ian McDonald of Bruno the Bandit, whose website is www.brunothebandit.com
Valentine's Day is in February, and so we have some Valentine's Day themed articles for you. AJ Reardon
gives us suggestions on how to have romance in a role playing game without squicking out the other
players in Playing God. Jesse Willey provides us with his 10 Worst and Best Romances in Comics.
Jason Bourgeois follows up his rant on One More Day with a look at the new Spiderman comic and
Wally Flores, Jr. gives us a look at The New Warriors. Plus, we have movie reviews,
and comic reviews, and an interview that's coming in a little late. Such is life at Collector Times Central.
In the meantime, take some time and look around. I think you'll be glad that you did.
Thanks for being here!
Sheryl Roberts
Editor, The Collector Times
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