The League of Explorers
Chap. 1 Character Sheets
By Sheryl Roberts & Joe Singleton
Real Name: | Major Poupette Primeaux |
Legal Status: | American citizen with no criminal record |
Place of Birth: | Lafayette, Louisiana |
Marital Status: | Single |
Known Relatives: | General Andre Primeaux, deceased |
Bases of Operations: | The Pentagon, Arlington VA, Weinstein Exotechnologies Headquarters, Dhabi, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba |
First Appearance: | The League of Explorers (Chapter Four) |
Origin: | After graduation from high school, Poupette followed in her father's footsteps and went to Texas A&M University, where she triple majored in computer, nuclear and electrical engineering. She also joined the Corps of Cadets, which prepares young people to be officers in the military. Poupette graduated with a 4.0 GPA, and went to officer's candidate school in the US Army. Poupette loved the army and its discipline and quickly advanced through the ranks. It was in the military that her special powers were detected and she volunteered for The Black Ops section. After some mission that neither she nor Andrew Weinstein will discuss, Poupette was detached from the Army to be the field commander for Weinstein's The League of Explorers. |
Personality: |
Practical, no nonsense, commanding. Although she has been known to let her hair down around certain, select people.
Height: | 5'8" |
Weight: | 165 lbs |
Hair Color: | Black |
Eye Color: | Brown |
Powers: | Highly intelligent technophile, has intuitive grasp of all technology and can build just about any piece of equipment, be it machinery, transportation or weapons. She is also a skilled marksman and has superior hand to hand combat skills. |
Quote: | "This We'll Defend " |
Real Name: | Rosa Guerriero |
Legal Status: | American citizen with no criminal record |
Place of Birth: | Harlingen, Texas |
Marital Status: | Single |
Known Relatives: | Mother: Magdelena Flores Guerriero, Father: Juan Guerriero Sisters: Juanita Guerriero, Margarita Guerriero, Ayla Guerriero, Maria Guerriero, Aracela Guerriero Brother: Alejandro Guerriero |
Bases of Operations: | The Pentagon, Arlington VA, Weinstein Exotechnologies Headquarters, Dhabi, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba |
First Appearance: | League of Explorers, Chapter (Chapter Four) |
Origin: | All of the Guerriero children have developed powers upon puberty. Juanita, the oldest daughter, went to work for Andrew Weinstein during the original Explorers recruitment phase. It wasn't until third daughter Ayla joined a vicious gang and ran afoul of the law with her powers, that Weinstein took a real interest in the family and their genetics. As each child has reached maturity, Andrew has recruited each into his organization. Weinstein has also seen fit to assist the Guerriero family with childcare, as Aracela and Alejandro are still children. The entire Guerriero family loves Andrew Weinstein for what they perceive as his generosity. |
Personality: |
Young, enthusiastic and idealistic. She worries that boys will not like her because of her powers, and still respects Latino machismo. A devout Catholic, she believes that her powers are God's gifts.
Height: | 4'10" |
Weight: | 110 Lbs |
Hair Color: | Black |
Eye Color: | Brown |
Powers: | Super strength and heightened reflexes. She can leap tall buildings in a single bound, but she can't fly. She isn't invulnerable either, although she has the biological strength to withstand the use of her powers. |
Real Name: | Juanita Guerriero |
Legal Status: | American citizen with no criminal record |
Place of Birth: | Harlingen, Texas |
Marital Status: | Single |
Known Relatives: | Mother: Magdelena Flores Guerriero, Father: Juan Guerriero Sisters: Margarita Guerriero, Ayla Guerriero, Rosa Guerriero, Maria Guerriero, Aracela Guerriero Brother: Alejandro Guerriero |
Bases of Operations: | The Pentagon, Arlington VA, Weinstein Exotechnologies Headquarters, Dhabi, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba |
First Appearance: | The League of Explorers (Chapter Four) |
Origin: | All of the Guerriero children have developed powers upon puberty. Juanita, as the oldest daughter, felt a responsibility to assist her parents with supporting all of her younger siblings. When Andrew Weinstein offered her a wad of cash to join his League of Explorers, Juanita jumped at the chance. She has never regretted joining Andrew's team. She's blossomed in the social whirl of upscale Washington. |
Personality: |
It's been a long time since she left Mama and Papa's home, and Juanita has matured. She's level headed, but she's spirited and likes a little fun with her work.
Height: | 5'2" |
Weight: | 125 lbs |
Hair Color: | Black |
Eye Color: | Brown |
Powers: | Manipulates molecules to form force fields. Can periodically dissolve her force fields in an explosive manner, but the power is spotty at best. This ticks Juanita off to no end. She's a bit of a perfectionist. |
Real Name: | Jefferson "Jeff" Van Winter |
Legal Status: | American citizen with no criminal record |
Place of Birth: | Boston, Massachusetts |
Marital Status: | Single |
Known Relatives: | Father: Jonathan Van Winter, Mother: Cecilia Boothby Van Winter, Brother: Cornelius "Skip" Van Winter, Grandmother: Yvonne Bordeaux Van Winter |
Bases of Operations: | The Pentagon, Arlington VA, Weinstein Exotechnologies Headquarters, Dhabi, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba |
First Appearance: | The League of Explorers (Chapter Four) |
Origin: | Jeff has always hated being a trust fund kid. He pleased his family by graduating from Dartmouth with a degree in electrical engineering, but disappointed them by joining The League of Explorers. They are especially displeased with his name, even after several years. Jeff has resigned himself to being the black sheep of the family. |
Personality: |
Jeff is trying really hard to overcome his background. He's more of a follower than a leader. He has a terrible fondness for comic books.
Height: | 6'0" |
Weight: | 180 lbs |
Hair Color: | Light Brown |
Eye Color: | Blue |
Powers: | Generates electricity |
Quote: | "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country. " |
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