It's convention season, and here is a photo of artist Chris Fulton with a small sketch he did for Mat Bredfeldt at Dallas Comic Con.
As you can tell this month, the whole "New Collector Times" was an elaborate April Fool's joke
on my behalf. I want to thank most of my writers and artists for going along with the gag. I do
hope you enjoyed it Yes, it is summertime convention season and we have con reports! Mat went to Dallas Comic Con and gives us a con report with photos and Jamie Coville went to Ottawa Comic Con and gives us a report, taped panels, and photos. Mat Bredfeldt went into overdrive this month. Not only did we get a con report, but we got a comic review, a review of Free Comic Book Day and his regular column "Random Crap". Joe Singleton gives us an interesting redo of The Brotherhood, as they might appear in X Men First Class in his column Artistic License. The most thought provoking article comes from Wally Flores Jr. He talks about the recent developments of gay characters in comics entitled Genuine or Gimmick. He puts it much better than I ever could, so I suggest you take a look at it. Not everything is edited or online due to my work schedule. Please check back over the weekend for the complete edition. As always, we are glad that you are here!
Sheryl Roberts
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