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Welcome to the October Edition of The Collector Times!
We at The Collector Times wanted to have a patriotic cover this
month, given the events of September 11th. We gave the job to
Joe Singleton, and this is the wonderful tribute piece that he
came up with.
Im going to get on my professional soapbox here. The rescue
workers are heroes, the firefighters and police are heroes, the
medical personnel are heroes, and the folks that fought those
hijackers on the plane that went down in Philadelphia are
heroes. Do you know you, ordinary citizens of the world, can be
heroes, too? You too can save lives right where you live by
donating blood. Oh, right now the blood supply in the US is
great, because it took a national tragedy to get people out to
donate blood, and they did so in droves, which was great. The
fact remains that the need for blood doesnt go away with time
and distance from this event. If you havent donated blood,
donate in a month or two, like I plan on doing, when the
stockpiles obtained this last month start running low. For those
of you who dont know, I have a Bachelor of Science Degree
in Nursing, and Ive worked in various hospitals for the past 18
years. I save lives all the time by transfusing blood. Today, we
dont give blood to a patient unless the patient *really* needs it,
and obtaining enough blood is always a chronic struggle. Every
one of us can save lives if we can donate blood. Not just now, in
time of national tragedy, but over the long term. Think about it.
OK, enough of that! We have a lot of good stuff for you this
month. Jamie Coville provides a follow up to the
Brian Hibbs interview last month. In the interest of fairness, we asked
Bill Jemas for an interview to respond to what Brian said. He
declined, but he gave us a statement. Youll want to read it.
Jamie also interviewed Max Allen Collins about
his graphic novel Road to Perdition, which is soon to be a movie.
Collins is probably best known for his detective comic, Ms.
Tree. In the spirit of October, what better time to interview the
writer/creator of Halloween Man, Drew Edwards? We
also have contest results! Thanks to all who entered.
The response was so good that Ill probably have second and
third prizes next year. As you know, Starr and Rourke is on
hiatus, mainly due to personal problems in Gonzos life. What
you may not know is that Gonzo is also in the US Air Force and
god knows where he is right now. Lucky for all of us, he and
Floyd Choat had sent me another of their comics, entitled
Thou Shall Not which we will be running over the next
several months. You can get your Gonzo and Choat fix until
Gonzo returns online. Plus, we have a whole lot more for you to
peruse this month. Take some time and surf around.
We are always glad you are here!
Sheryl Roberts
Editor, The Collector Times