Welcome to the January 2002 edition of The Collector Times!
Happy New Year!
Our front cover this month is a panel from Bryan Talbots Heart
of Empire CD-ROM published by Dark Horse Comics. Sidra
Roberts interviews Bryan about Heart of Empire in
Coville's Clubhouse.
The nice thing about doing this online magazine is that its an
extended family kind of affair. When AJ Reardon emailed me
and informed me that her dad was writing a Lord of the Rings
review for me, I said, "cool." We welcome Rick Higginson to
the Collector Time staff. Be sure to read his Lord of the
Rings review.
Rick isnt the only one to write about The Lord of the Rings
movie. The Morrell brothers got into the action, too. Stephane
gives us a serious mini-review, and his younger brother Jon
compares it to another of Peter Jacksons movie Bad Taste.
Jeff Valentine looks at artists websites this month in
Comic Bookmarks. Chris Reid takes a humorous
look at die rolling with cats in his column Random Thoughts.
Mike Solko starts off the year with a new column, entitled Time for a Change.
Whats it about? Read it and see! Plus, Mat Bredfeldt sums up the highs and lows of 2001 in the
opinion section.
Plus, lots lots more. Join us for another year of Collector Times
madness. As always, we are glad you are here.
Sheryl Roberts
Editor, The Collector Times