![]() Our cover picture this month comes to us courtesy of Brett Schmidt. Brett has graduated from art school and is now doing web design in North Carolina. He hasnt given up on comics, oh no, he hasnt, but more on that in a future issue. Expect me to harass him for more art soon : ) We have a winner in our Jeff Moy print contest from last month. Congratulations to Erik Sveinson in Alberta, Canada! He will be getting his print in the mail soon. What can you look forward to this issue? Interviews, lots of interviews. Since this online magazine is run like an insane asylum from month to month, I never know whats floating in. I was as surprised as you are going to be with the THREE interviews we have this month. Sidra interviews KO Comix creators Russ Kazmierczak Jr and Brent Otey in Coville's Clubhouse. In addition, Chris Reid interviews Pete Abrams of Sluggy Freelance in Random Thoughts. To top it all off, Jon Morrell interviews B movie writer/director Lee Demarbre in his column This Just In. Want to know what to read this month? Check out Wally Flores overview of Marvels U-Decide contest. Read AJ Reardons review of the previews she picked up at San Diego, and most importantly, read Sidra Roberts review of Three Fingers. I can wholeheartedly say, Three Fingers is an entertaining warped little graphic novel, and you should read it.
Look for the Collector Times booth at Happy Halloween from the entire Collector Times staff!
Editor, The Collector Times
Copyright © 2002 Sheryl Roberts, Editor