The League of Explorers
Chap. 1 Character Sheets
By Jesse N. Willey & Joe Singleton
Real Name: | Ilsalynn Bridge-Traeger |
Legal Status: | American citizen |
Place of Birth: | Long Island, New York |
Marital Status: | Married- but separated |
Known Relatives: | Joseph Bridge (Husband, soon to be divorced) |
Bases of Operations: | New York City |
First Appearance: | The League of Explorers (Chapter Five) |
Origin: |
Ilsalynn was always bright. She skipped several grades in elementary school and took only two years of high school before going to college. She discovered her ability to create and manipulate small wormholes at 15. Due to the fact that smaller range teleports are harder to control, she rarely uses this ability. (She once accidentally wound up on a Earth where a comic book writer named Gerber won the 1976 presidential election.) She married her former college advisor when she was 18 and he was 46. Then she went for her PHD in astrophysics from Harvard. When she was three years into her study, her marriage hit a rough patch. She discovered her husband became involved with another of his students. She had a series of flings. When rumors spread of her involvement in a threeway with two students in a class where she served as a teaching assistant (a 21 year old male and a 19 year old female), she lost her the job and her scholarship. She and her husband reconciled, at least on the surface, though it became a loveless marriage. She wrote a book on wormholes and multiversal theory that became a best seller. This led to her getting small paying gigs hosting lectures, planetarium shows and finally cable science shows. When filing a tax return she noticed large sums of money she couldn't account for. That's when she discovered her husband had stolen some of her new found riches and given it to the Church of Histhology. At that point she and Joseph separated. His lawyer friends who work for the Church have held the case up in court for some time. In the intervening time, Ilsalynn was sent on an assignment by her show to interview Andrew Weinstein. The two debated on several issues about her book. His own theories seemed to contradict her own findings. While the usually emotional distant Weinstein was at least somewhat smitten with a woman near his brilliance, the two were soon intellectual rivals. That lasted less several months until they independently re-examined their own work and found out that they were both slightly off. This led to a scientific collaboration. Based on these discoveries, Traeger began artifact hunting artifacts from other realities trying to find pieces to her puzzle. She also began collecting knick knacks from other worlds with a fondness for history books. In many realities she met herself. Most of them were not very happy- some were even worse off than she was now. A version of herself who was dying told her to ˜If you find someone who treats you like an equal" don't be like me. Don't be afraid to be happy." She began dating Andrew Weinstein, though ironically enough at first she had trouble adapting to the age difference.
Personality: |
In spite of her brilliance or because of it, Ilsalynn often feels lost in world she can barely comprehend. She knows she has made some bad decisions but does not regret making them. She has a very tough exterior. Those who don't know her well have trouble telling the difference between her anger and sarcasm. Her television persona is one of the crusading intellectual. She is a frequent guest on shows like ˜Real Time" and "Bull$@!!" discussing things like the need to continue funding NASA or the debate about intelligent design. As with most people, underneath the exterior is a lot of pain. She has a lot of trouble trusting people but once you're in you are golden. She is known to treat interns worse than any other physics professor, especially those who ask questions about her past. Around Andrew she is a very different person. She seems relaxed, vulnerable, human and almost likeable.
Height: | 5'10" |
Weight: | 175 lbs |
Hair Color: | Brown |
Eye Color: | Blue |
Powers: | Teleportation- but only at extremely long distances. The shortest distance that she can control would be from New York City to Boston. Also, the shorter the hop the more likely she will wind up in another reality. She has a sort of an internal interdimensional guidance system so she always makes it back home with the next hop. |
Quote: | "While anything that can possibly happen does happen in some alternate reality, it is doubtful that anywhere in the infinite multiverse is a place where everyone is happy. " |
Real Name: | Joshua Chesterfield |
Legal Status: | American citizen |
Place of Birth: | Silver Spring, Maryland |
Marital Status: | Single |
Known Relatives: | Amelia Chesterfield (sister, deceased) |
Bases of Operations: | The Pentagon, Arlington VA |
First Appearance: | The League of Explorers (Chapter Four in passing) (mentioning in passing in Explorers Chapter One) |
Origin: |
Joshua and sister Amelia grew up in a series of foster cares while their biological parents were serving time for super crimes. While Mystery inherited the exact power of her father (the ability to create various gases including pheromones) Josh's power was unique to anyone in his family. He could create duplicates of anything he touched. When scanned on the quantum level the objects were the exactly the same. His powers were considered almost useless to either heroes or villains. Amelia decided to become a hero. She was unaffiliated with The Explorers but when the team hunted her father, she interfered with their mission hoping to bring him to justice herself. Unfortunately- when the three began battle her father, innocents were caught in the crossfire. The team managed to capture her father, but Amelia was killed saving civilians. She was given a posthumous membership in The Explorers. After Amelia's death, Josh was at a loss of what to do with his powers. He accepted assistance from Andrew Weinstein to help learn how to control his powers. With a little help from Angelica Weinstein, he learned he could do more than duplicate objects by also 'destroying' matter. (What he really is doing is balancing the energy/matter he 'creates' when making duplicates.) While still feeling a bit a lost in life, he didn't ask questions when Angelica wanted to take their friendship beyond the teacher/student role. He just went with it. |
Personality: |
Joshua has gotten through life by not asking questions. Life presents a problem he accepts it as a problem and tries to figure how to deal with it the best he can. While a bit of an agnostic, he believes either things will come out in your favor or they won't. If there is nothing you can do about it, there is no sense in worrying about it. He often feels out of place on combat missions. The thought of 'destroying matter,' particularly organic matter, frightens him. He is in fact a pacifist. He has an expertise in relief missions and spurred by his need to help others, went to school to become a Registered Nurse. He serves as nurse during field surgery and provides emergency first aid on missions. Josh tends to use wisecracks to hide his insecurity. He has many friendships. He particularly close to Angelica, Lucas and Juanita.
Height: | 5'9" |
Weight: | 180 Lbs |
Hair Color: | Brown |
Eye Color: | Blue |
Powers: | The 'creation and destruction of matter' - which really works as a cosmic scale. After awhile for every object he 'creates' he must eventually has to 'destroy' an equal mass. |
Quote: | "Uh- Angelica- I doubt tonsil hockey was on the syllabus of what your brother wants you to teach. Umm - not that I mind. " |
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