Once, again, Joe Singleton provides the art for the front page. So many of you enjoyed his last holiday picture, we thought we'd provide a companion piece to it. We call this: Superheroes the Day After the Biggest Party of the Century!
![]() Once again, you must click on this picture and enlarge it! You won't be sorry. We would like to welcome Jonathan Sukarangsan back as a regular Collector Times contributor this month. Jonathan is a very talented artist, and you can see his past art in our archives, when he was using the handle "Dr. Evil." This time, though, Jonathan demonstrates he can write as well as he can draw. He writes a serious piece about comics entitled Preconceived Dissociations of the Art Form that Never Was. Jonathan also starts a monthly column about manga, called Manga-philes. If your New Year's Resolution is to check out more independent comics, you might want to take a look at Alternate Views for some new independent comics. If you are thinking about seeing a movie to start the New Year, you might want to check out the reviews of the latest Bond movie, Sleepy Hollow, or Galaxy Quest. Jamie Coville has an interesting interview with Peter David. Also, to kick off the New Year right, we have staff resolutions, solicited by scott crawford. We have other good things for you, too, so take some time and look around. Happy New Year to you and yours! We are always glad you choose to spend a little time with us here in cyberspace!
Copyright © 2000 Sheryl Roberts, Editor