The League of Explorers
Chap. 1 Character Sheets
By Mat Bredfeld & Joe Singleton
Agent Force
Real Name: | Maximillian Vincent |
Legal Status: | American citizen with no criminal record |
Place of Birth: | Dallas, Texas |
Marital Status: | Single |
Known Relatives: | Dr. Lilith Vincent, PhD (Mother) |
Base of Operations: | League of Explorers Headquarters |
First Appearance: | The League of Explorers (Chapter Seven) |
Origin: |
Maximillian was an agent for the Secret Service in the year 2000, and after the events of September 11th 2001 Maximillian volunteered for an experimental gene splicing procedure that would give him some kind of special abilities. At first they thought that the procedure was a failure, but when he went outside for the first time and jumped up and stayed in the air. Shortly after that he was sent to the United States Secret Service to be a bodyguard for the then president. After a short time his skills in computer graphics programs helped them pick up on the potential counterfeit dollar bills being put into circulation by the Church of Histhology. They could not pin down which church was doing it, and could not pin it to any one group of them. When the League of Explorers was looking for a government liaison he decided to step up to the position because he had seen what good they had done in the past and he wanted to take part. |
Personality: |
Very quiet and introverted. Has the tendency to become frustrated when he is not being heard by anyone. Tries to be social, but finds that people don't really respond to him that well. He's very protective of The Elementalist because Maximillian used to mentor children that age when he was in college.
Height: | 6'3" |
Weight: | 200 Lbs |
Hair Color: | Brown |
Eye Color: | Brown |
Powers: | Has the ability to project bolts of pure force from his hands. They can be used to stun enemies or rarely kill someone. He can also generate a force shield approximately three feet in diameter that is amber colored from his left or right arm. Also has the ability to fly up to Mach 3 at Armstrong's Line. The only drawback is that he can only have any two abilities used at one time. |
Quote: | "Kind of busy right now Major. " |
The Elementalist
Real Name: | The Elementalist |
Birth Name: | Wu Yangming |
Legal Status: | American and Chinese Citizen with no criminal record |
Place of Birth: | Tibet |
Marital Status: | Single |
Known Relatives: | None (they died over 100 years ago) |
Base of Operations: | League of Explorers Headquarters |
First Appearance: | The League of Explorers (Chapter Seven) |
Origin: | Some 100 years ago, at the age of eight, the Elementalist was frozen in time in a snowstorm that hit the monastery he was staying in training to control his elemental powers. He was found by monks in the same monastery back in 2007 and was handed over to Chinese authorities to keep them negotiating over control of Tibet. Wu adapted to his new life rather quickly and found that he did not like living in China and was granted a Visa to travel to the United States. In the US he found life comfortable and found he had much greater control of his powers. While in Washington DC he visited the White House and asked if he could be given asylum. He was granted it and then joined the League of Explorers. |
Personality: |
Very upbeat and always smiling. He's got the personality of a cheerleader and a very wise mind. He is very social with kids his own age as well as with adults. Sometimes is ignored by adults until they see what he can do.
Height: | 4'6" |
Weight: | 90 Lbs |
Hair Color: | Brown |
Eye Color: | Black |
Powers: | Through a series of martial arts type dances, he has control over the four basic elements; earth, air, fire and water. He has also mastered the basic controls of metal channeling, and he found out while being held in China, under a full moon that he can control people's bodies through blood channeling. |
Quote: | "How do I do it? It's quite easy. " |
Dr. Magi
Real Name: | Dr. Magi |
Birth Name: | Elizabeth Magi |
Legal Status: | American Citizen with no criminal record |
Place of Birth: | New Orleans, Louisiana |
Marital Status: | Single |
Known Relatives: | None alive. |
Base of Operations: | League of Explorers Headquarters |
First Appearance: | The League of Explorers (Chapter Seven) |
Origin: | Elizabeth Magi is one of the foremost researchers in the field of the Mystic Arts. She began at the age of twelve when she was contacted in a dream by the spirit of her dead grandfather to bring her family's spirits to rest. She spent until her senior year of high school studying the mystic arts and has mastered all the techniques and had set all the spirits to rest. Unfortunately along the way she made some pretty powerful enemies both in the normal and spirit world. |
Personality: |
She is very quiet, but socializes when necessary. Her studies made her a bit creepy, and sometimes she is seen talking to herself.
Height: | 5'7" |
Weight: | 115 Lbs |
Hair Color: | Dark Blonde |
Eye Color: | One Blue, One Green |
Powers: | By manipulating mystic forces she can do anything from teleporting herself or another person to making magic blasts through her hands. She some times uses them to contact the spirit world for research into the future. |
Quote: | "Magic is more than mere slight of hand. It is something that needs years of research to bend to your will. " |
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